Our values
Responsibility, transparency, fair business practices, safety, respect for the environment and for the local area, promotion of people and their skills: the values set out in our code of ethics inform the activities of our Group, and are shared by all who work with us.

People: Our chief resource
The success of the Fantoni Group is built by the people who fulfil its mission day by day. The key to our excellence lies in appreciating and upholding their talents. Acknowledging and developing skills, clearly assigning responsibilities, controlling procedures, and ensuring the salubrity and safety of our premises are top priorities for all our companies.

Community and local area: Our culture
The global growth of the Fantoni Group is fuelled by sturdy local roots. Constant dialogue with local institutions is the frame within which we develop. From the design of our facilities to the choice of suppliers and raw materials – favouring the local area and nearby regions – we aim for environmental and social sustainability in our companies. Sharing knowledge and meeting with the community are at the heart of our cultural initiatives. Since 1996, the Research Centre at the Osoppo Campus has stood as a symbol of this openness.
Suppliers and collaborators: Our network
Transparency, fairness, trust and safety are the principles that we foster in our selection of and relations with our suppliers. The experience of an established network of external partners contributes to enriching our industrial, technological and design culture.