Sound-deadening system
The maximum-efficiency milled sound-absorption system

Discover our range
Random amazes us with its fresh and captivating character: a wall or ceiling sound-absorbing system that has 3 different types of slats whose staggered milling gives dynamism to the surfaces.

Millerighe / 4akustik 3/1
High-performance aesthetics Millerighe is the latest arrival in the Acoustic Panelling range: an adaptable sound-absorbent solution with a striking aesthetic for the vertical covering of interiors, with technical characteristics for substantial noise reduction. Millerighe creates a uniform space, the milling disappears leaving the textural aspect at the forefront.
Glue-free installation
Slats and square panels offer excellent versatility for installation, and ensure an even surface, thanks to the lack of joints. The slats are mounted using a simple, glue-free procedure. The use of screws and sliding clips ensures that removal is equally simple. The modular systems can be wall-mounted using a system of profiles and connectors similar to those used for the slats.

Health and safety
The panel, in its EC-certified version, classed as “B-s1,d0” for its reaction to fire, also conforms to the highly exacting Japanese “F4 star” standard, with reference to its extremely low formaldehyde content, in line with JIS parameters. 4akustik contributes toward satisfying prerequisites and credits under LEED®. 4akustik is also available in a version without reaction-tofire certification, and with class E1 formaldehyde emissions.